

benjamin hughes




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P226 MK 25

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Description: Atlas brings a new level of tactical versatility to the battlefield with his innovative "Dynamic Shield" ability. Unlike traditional shields used by defenders, Atlas's shield is equipped with an advanced mechanism that allows it to transform into various forms to adapt to different combat situations. Deployable Cover: Atlas's shield can be deployed as a full-size, stationary cover, providing protection for himself and his teammates from enemy fire. This cover can be placed on floors, against walls, or even in doorways to create fortified positions. Mobile Barricade: In its second form, Atlas's shield can be converted into a mobile barricade. He can carry and deploy it to reinforce breached walls or create temporary obstacles, slowing down attackers' movements and providing additional cover for defenders. Assault Rampart: Atlas's shield can transform into a low-profile rampart, allowing him to crouch behind it and fire his weapon with improved stability and accuracy. This form provides a partial cover while still enabling him to engage enemies effectively. Defensive Barrier: In emergency situations, Atlas can activate a temporary energy field around his shield, making it temporarily invulnerable to gunfire and explosives. This ability provides him with a brief window of protection to reposition or provide covering fire for his team. Atlas's "Dynamic Shield" ability revolutionizes defensive tactics, offering unprecedented flexibility and adaptability to the SAS team. His mastery of defensive positions combined with his extensive combat experience make him an invaluable asset in Rainbow Six Siege operations.


Description: Atlas brings a new level of tactical versatility to the battlefield with his innovative "Dynamic Shield" ability. Unlike traditional shields used by defenders, Atlas's shield is equipped with an advanced mechanism that allows it to transform into various forms to adapt to different combat situations.

Deployable Cover: Atlas's shield can be deployed as a full-size, stationary cover, providing protection for himself and his teammates from enemy fire. This cover can be placed on floors, against walls, or even in doorways to create fortified positions.
Mobile Barricade: In its second form, Atlas's shield can be converted into a mobile barricade. He can carry and deploy it to reinforce breached walls or create temporary obstacles, slowing down attackers' movements and providing additional cover for defenders.
Assault Rampart: Atlas's shield can transform into a low-profile rampart, allowing him to crouch behind it and fire his weapon with improved stability and accuracy. This form provides a partial cover while still enabling him to engage enemies effectively.
Defensive Barrier: In emergency situations, Atlas can activate a temporary energy field around his shield, making it temporarily invulnerable to gunfire and explosives. This ability provides him with a brief window of protection to reposition or provide covering fire for his team.
Atlas's "Dynamic Shield" ability revolutionizes defensive tactics, offering unprecedented flexibility and adaptability to the SAS team. His mastery of defensive positions combined with his extensive combat experience make him an invaluable asset in Rainbow Six Siege operations.


Benjamin Hughes, codenamed "Atlas," was born on March 15th, 1990, in London, England. Growing up, Benjamin displayed exceptional intelligence and physical prowess, excelling in academics and sports. His fascination with technology and engineering led him to pursue a degree in electrical engineering at Imperial College London, where he graduated with top honors.

After completing his education, Benjamin sought a different path, driven by a desire to serve his country and make a tangible impact in the world. He applied to join the Special Air Service (SAS), renowned for its elite training and demanding selection process. Benjamin's intellect, athleticism, and unwavering determination caught the attention of SAS recruiters, and he was accepted into the prestigious unit.

During his time in the SAS, Benjamin honed his skills in counter-terrorism operations, reconnaissance, and close-quarters combat. He distinguished himself as a versatile and resourceful operator, demonstrating exceptional leadership and tactical acumen in high-pressure situations. Benjamin's expertise in electronics and engineering proved invaluable, earning him recognition as a specialist in utilizing advanced technology for tactical advantage.

While serving in the SAS, Benjamin's exceptional performance drew the attention of Rainbow Six, a multinational counter-terrorism unit composed of elite operatives from around the world. Recognizing his unique blend of skills and expertise, Rainbow Six extended an invitation for Benjamin to join their ranks.

Eager to continue his mission of protecting innocent lives and combating global threats, Benjamin accepted the offer and became part of Rainbow Six. Codenamed "Atlas" for his ability to bear the weight of responsibility and lead his team with unwavering resolve, he now stands as a cornerstone of the Rainbow Six unit, ready to confront any challenge that threatens peace and security worldwide. 



benjamin hughes




United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Rainbow Six Siege
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